Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Queen

Ok, so we had a graduation celebration for Mari today at the PF Changs. It was really yummy and of course we ordered way too much food, not to mention that massive wall of chocolate! But all this pales in comparison to the celebrity in the house. I asked the waiter if he realized that there was a celebrity in the house, he said no so I told him 2 tables over was the Queen of England. See for yourself......

Here is a picture of the girls at PF Changs. Mari just graduated from BYU....Congrats Mari! You can't see it but Carey has the "wall of chocolate" in her hands. I am sure she is trying to sneak it home with her. Better her than me I guess, I do not need that sitting around calling my name.


Anna M. said...

That DOES look the Queen of England...too funny!

chandra said...

BAHAha! The gueen of england!!! Way to go on your gardens. They look great! Must tell me about the random guy when you come to visit.