So not sure how many of you feel about spoiling your kids but....I am afraid I am creating a monster. Granted, Logan is an only child and who knows how long this will be the case. He is the light of our lives and so we love to see him smile, laugh and just be dang dreamy! Well, recently when I have told him no, he has an absolute fit. Obviously, I haven't said NO enough because it sends him into a complete and udder tantrum!!!! I try to remember that I am the adult and that it is completely unacceptable to throw myself down on the ground and kick and scream with him. Although today this is exactly what I wanted to do.
Maybe I will just have a yard sale and get rid of all his toys until I can learn not to spoil him and he can learn to appreciate them. I know what you are thinking.....this is no ones fault except my own. I GET IT....I just don't know what to do. I think a bubble bath will make it all go away, maybe not but it will be the alone time I need to sort this mess out. Look out teen years if I am already having this sort of melt down.
Hey you, I didn't realize you were reading my blog. I've left a few comments and have never heard back from you.
I really thought the only one that was reading my blog was myself.
I know I need to update pictures, but I'm not a great picture taker.
We just got back from Disneyland, so I was for sure going to update this weekend.
Thanks for making me realize others are interested in my life. You love my buns huh, shall I post a picture of them also?
Logan is being a normal two year old. I felt relieved when I read he was starting to act they way he is. Colter just started doing it also and I'm quite sad about it. I really thought he was going to be my mellow one.
Hang in there, it only gets worse, 3 years old is much worse than 2. How's the potty training? Have you dared attempt it yet?
So, I have a great home video of one of Kelsea's tantrums at that age - you need to see it - you will definitely feel better!!
You are way too hard on yourself! It goes like this terrible 2's Tyrant 3's and well I'll let you know about the 4's we are only into that one about 22 hours and 23 mins. Logan is just trying to learn the limits. I found that leaving Gracee in her tantrum and going into the other room works for both of us. She stops and it stops me from beating the living day lights out of her! Brock is the same way except he follows me not giving up so I have to lock him out of the room. Find your quiet time and don't worry if you've been gone all day sometimes we all just need to decompress a little.
Good luck!
Love ya always,
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