I was able to get my garden in this year. It definitely isn't big enough but it will do this year. Next year Rob will have to build me some more planters. My tomatoes are growing like gang busters! I have a handful of pumpkins growing and my peppers are ready to pick. I've decided that gardening is a great "out" for me. My flower garden is also looking rather nice. I may have gone overboard on the Russian Sage, I planted 4 in the back yard since we can't afford a fence I thought this might be a nice boundary between our neighbors and us. My plan is to plant bulbs in the fall so I have nice spring flowers. I didn't do this last year and I was so envious of those that did. It sure makes your garden come alive after a cold winter.

Still waiting on the corn but it should be any day now.
My flower garden is looking really good right now! I decided to have a purple pink and blue color scheme this year. Well wouldn't you know it my marigolds, my orange marigolds, came popping back up and I mean like crazy so there went my whole color scheme right out the window. It still looks really nice but not what I was going for.