Monday, November 10, 2008

Halloween Hoedown

Yee-haw! Hope you all had a happy Halloween! Logan went trick or treating at my work and was pretty much done trick or treating by the time we tried to hit our neighborhood. He was getting the hang of picking out his treat and putting it in his bucket. However once the kids starting coming to our house he would check out their bucket o'treats and select one of their treats as his own. He didn't quite get the idea that sometimes you take and other times you give! It was really dreamy actually. Everytime the doorbell rang he would bolt to the door squeeling!! I think he actually had more fun seeing all the kids in their costumes and taking THEIR candy than anything else!

It was a great Halloween!


Our Loved-up Family said...

What a cutie, that was so fun that he was so excited to see the other kids in their ourfits. What a darling!

Devon said...

That is hilarious! My kids always want to go inside the other people's houses, but they've never stolen candy! SO FUNNY! And he looked so cute!

Anna M. said...

What a cute little cowboy you have! Rick scared all the kids in the neighborhood...normal Halloween for us! =)


Waiting for an update young lady...

Cammi said...

Holy Cornish, Logan is ADORABLE! Cutest cowboy ever! I'm so glad you sent me the link to your blog. Fun! I miss you! Say hi to Heather for me, too!

SJCBCfamily said...

Hello Kim,
how are you? Logan looks so adorable. Love the outfit. How was your Thanksgiving? Are you done with your Christmas shopping yet? Next time you're up this way, let me know and we should get together.
How was the first ever Black Friday for you? Think it was worth it?